The New Award Winning Patented Beverage Ready For License
Released on = January 21, 2007, 6:57 pm
Press Release Author = Anderson
Industry = Food & Beverage
Press Release Summary = The First At Time Of Use Activation Beverage. Now you can have the freshest and chemical/preservative free beverage on earth
Press Release Body = World Beverage Technology at It's Finest
The Blast Cap Technology (BCT) announces a new multi patented beverage device for today\'s active, health conscious consumer that are concerned with the chemicals, additives, stabilizers and preservatives that are in conventional sodas and beverages. Now with the pre-launch of BCT cutting edge product lines there can be super enhanced and infused beverages with vitamins, minerals and herbals to a level never imagined or obtainable until now in beverage history. The BCT is a self activating beverage dosing/dispensing cap that keeps the ingredients separate until time of use, thus being able to design super charged beverage formulas for effectiveness rather than for shelf life with all the unnecessary chemical additives. BCT will compete in the alternative beverage category (a $10 plus billion industry) and will help pioneer a new concept within the bottled water segment: Super enhanced water beverages. BCT is a distinctive and revolutionary new beverage concept for consumers (children and adults) who are committed to their health, nutrition, exercise regimens and well being and look for variety in their alternative beverage choices. One the leading health crisis in America and rapidly growing through out the World is childhood Obesity and Diabetes and is linked to the soda and beverages that we, the parents allow our children to drink. Think smart; think healthy.just read the ingredients on the label what you are drinking. If you can't pronounce the words or don't know what mean look them up on the web and see if you want your children or yourself to consume these ingredients. Now with BCT's superior line of multi patented and protected product innovation in dynamic breakthrough packaging, it is expected to expose and strengthen it's position in the rapidly growing bottled water segment of the alternative beverage category and become a leader in the fitness, sport, energy, diet, children's/adults vitamin waters, and more. BCT is very excited about the revolutionary development of this new beverage technology to provide a healthy choice and an alternative to stay healthier and feel better about giving the consumer a beverage that is long over due and can help make the industry change the way we drink. BCT, a company that shares its' commitment to innovation in the water and health areas and is also committed to help the environment. By using the BCT the beverage market can virtually eliminate the need for hot fill bottles for pre-mixed beverages and use cold fill bottles and dramatically reduce the plastic waste, thus making the cost of the BTC line of products a non issue. The BCT also can be sold in packs (30-60-90) with a reusable bottle, thus eliminating the shipment of heavy water, the waste of bottles and the expense for the customer. There are no more excuses for the beverage and drink companies to have so many chemicals and so little nutrition value, now with the BCT the industry can go far beyond expectation for the healthy beverage. With using the BCT's innovation its business objective is to extend the BCT brand into a new lifestyle of opportunities that meet the needs of drink and beverage market for the consumers and industry. With the addition of a BCT product line, it has expanded the technology to the OTC, Pharmaceutical, Nutraceutical, Hair Care, and Cosmetic industry. The BCT is a company that specializes in the development in innovative technologies to deliver an exceptional range of products to specialty markets globally and offers companies and customer's advantages backed by experience, innovation, and patent protected products. We use intuitive designs that deliver products with world class quality, performance, and pricing. BCT committed not to just the broadest of array of products of any company in the industry around the world but also have evolved into a diversified health care company that discovers, develops, and manufactures superior products that helps establish branded products and applies creative technologies to increase the commercial potential of these products categories and many more. If you are looking to add line extensions to your existing line of product(s) or are in search for a new product line, look no further. Once you discover the exciting products BCT has to offer, you will know the future success on your next endeavor.
"Just Blast Your Way to Better Health"
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